Title: ~TASTE THE RAINBOW~ Characters/Pairings: Steve Rogers, Peggy Carter Rating: G/K Word Count: 1,092 Summary: The serum changed Steve Rogers in many ways, and not all of the changes were instantaneous. Warnings: Spoilers for Captain America: The First Avenger. Death of characters who did actually die in the movie. Uneven emotional tone?
Title: Walking After You Author: Eustacia Vye Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com Pairing: Steve/Peggy, Wanda/Vision mentioned Rating: PG-13 Notes: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to other people, and I am just playing in their sandbox for fun. This is born of a text conversation with mynuet regarding the possibility of Peggy
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Title: Walking After You Author: Eustacia Vye Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com Pairing: Steve/Peggy, Wanda/Vision mentioned Rating: PG-13 Notes: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to other people, and I am just playing in their sandbox for fun. This is born of a text conversation with mynuet regarding the possibility of Peggy
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Title: Walking After You Author: Eustacia Vye Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com Pairing: Steve/Peggy, Wanda/Vision mentioned Rating: PG-13 Notes: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to other people, and I am just playing in their sandbox for fun. This is born of a text conversation with mynuet regarding the possibility of Peggy
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Title: Walking After You Author: Eustacia Vye Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com Pairing: Steve/Peggy, Wanda/Vision mentioned Rating: PG-13 Notes: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to other people, and I am just playing in their sandbox for fun. This is born of a text conversation with mynuet regarding the possibility of Peggy
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Title: Walking After You Author: Eustacia Vye Author's e-mail: eustacia_vye28@hotmail.com Pairing: Steve/Peggy, Wanda/Vision mentioned Rating: PG-13 Notes: Not mine! Characters you recognize belong to other people, and I am just playing in their sandbox for fun. This is born of a text conversation with mynuet regarding the possibility of Peggy
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11 x Bucky Barnes 8 x Marvel heroines (Darcy, Dottie, Elektra, Frigga, Natasha, Peggy) 16 x Marvel heroes (Daredevil, Deadpool, the Hulk, Tony, Steve) 48 x Loki + 11 x Loki/Tony and Loki/Thor (repost)
Resonance 3300 words | PG-ish | Tony Stark, Bucky Barnes, Steve Rogers, Pepper Potts, etc.
Tony's reasons for helping Bucky Barnes can be entirely attributable to general do-gooderism and a love of science. (Because he really, really hates it when people rub his personal growth in his face.)